The International HPH Conference
Our next conference will take place in Hiroshima, Japan, from 6-8 November, 2024. Click here to learn more!
For more information on our past conferences → please visit our Conference Secretariat website
30th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services
The International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH) is the main event of the international HPH network. It is a forum of learning and exchange on health promotion in and by health services for health practitioners, consultants,...
Supporting WONCA’s Call for a Just & Equitable Transition to Sustainable Energy to Safeguard Health
Climate change is having far-reaching impacts on global health, causing harm and suffering on a massive scale. Despite this growing crisis, new fossil fuel projects and rising greenhouse gas emissions persist. To combat this climate health emergency, we must put an...
32nd Meeting of the HPH General Assembly
The 32nd Meeting of the HPH General Assembly took place online on May 5th. HPH Coordinators, Task Force Leaders, single members, the International HPH Secretariat and Conference Secretariat, met to discuss many exciting topics such as plans for the upcoming 29th...
2022 Annual Report
Our 2022 annual report is out! See what steps we took towards operationalizing our vision and read the full report here!
Honoring Jürgen Pelikan
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pelikan 1940 – 2023 It is with immense gratitude that we remember the life and career of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pelikan, a pioneering figure in the establishment of HPH, a true visionary, leader, and mentor. Jürgen's impact in the establishment of HPH...
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