Task Force HPH Well-being of Healthcare Workers


The aim of this Task Force is to gain an overview about the best experience of health promotion strategy in healthcare setting as a special workplace and promote innovation in order to become a health promoting setting to improve the health of all patients, relatives, staff, support workers and volunteers. We aim to achieve universal framework on the pillars of well-being and humanization of care and self-care through the lens of healthcare workers and to visualize the role and value of HPH in healthcare setting to give a new power on self-care and well-being to professionals in this era of evolving care paradigm.



  • Global progress in research and practice on management policy, communication and services, health and well-being parameters, salutogenetic physical environment
  • Best practice on strategy dedicated to well-being, salutogenesis and stress reduction of healthcare workers, support workers and volunteers


  • Oral Session O2.5: “Salutogenic, safe and healthy workplace”, in: 30th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, November, 2024, Hiroshima
  • Conference on The role of Health promotion in Well-being-oriented healthcare, Sept. 20, 2023, Vienna.

    Task Force Leaders

    Dr. Cristina Aguzzoli, Dr. Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi, Dr. Jaekyung Lee

    Cristina Aguzzoli, M.D., with specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine , Psychoneuroimmunologist, is working as Head of Health Promotion in a Regional Health Service in Italy;
    Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi, Head of Prevention and Health Promotion Office in a Hospital in Hungary;
    Jaekyung Lee, M.D., Gastroenterologist, she is working in Department of Internal Medicine of a Health Care Center in South Korea.

    E-mail: cristina.aguzzoli@arcs.hph.sanita.fvg.it; szorenyine.vanyi.gabriella@kmmk.hu; jaekyjaeky@naver.com