Task Force HPH Well-being of Healthcare Workers


The aim of this Task Force is to gain an overview about the best experience of health promotion strategy in healthcare setting as a special workplace and promote innovation in order to become a health promoting setting to improve the health of all patients, relatives, staff, support workers and volunteers. We aim to achieve universal framework on the pillars of well-being and humanization of care and self-care through the lens of healthcare workers and to visualize the role and value of HPH in healthcare setting to give a new power on self-care and well-being to professionals in this era of evolving care paradigm.



  • Global progress in research and practice on management policy, communication and services, health and well-being parameters, salutogenetic physical environment
  • Best practice on strategy dedicated to well-being, salutogenesis and stress reduction of healthcare workers, support workers and volunteers


  • Oral Session O2.5: “Salutogenic, safe and healthy workplace”, in: 30th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, November, 2024, Hiroshima
  • Conference on The role of Health promotion in Well-being-oriented healthcare, Sept. 20, 2023, Vienna.

    Task Force Leaders

    Dr. Cristina Aguzzoli, Dr. Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi, Dr. Jaekyung Lee

    Cristina Aguzzoli, M.D., with specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Psychoneuroimmunologist, is working as Head of Health Promotion in a Regional Health Service in Italy;
    Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi, Head of Prevention and Health Promotion Office in a Hospital in Hungary;
    Jaekyung Lee, a gastroenterologist, works in the Department of Internal Medicine of a healthcare centre in South Korea.

    E-mail:cristina.aguzzoli@arcs.sanita.fvg.it; szorenyine.vanyi.gabriella@kmmk.hu; jaekyjaeky@naver.com


    Application form for “Well-being of Healthcare Workers Task Force” Membership



    Short “Survey on health and well-being programs for healthcare workers”
