Virtual Event: Hospital Workers’ Wellbeing Matters

03. February 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic is having a major toll on people’s wellbeing worldwide, as they are having to face challenges such as social distancing, loneliness, and the threat of deadly infectious disease outbreaks. For hospital workers and other health service providers, these challenges and the additional stress of working in a prolonged “crisis situation” have increased documented mental health problems.

As the pandemic progresses, the current and projected scale of distress among healthcare workers is alarming. It is widely recognized that healthcare professionals need enhanced support to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on their current and future wellbeing.

The International Hospital Federation (IHF)  and the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) recognize the pivotal need of exchanges of experiences, ideas and challenges of industry leaders in addressing this which is why they are hosting the virtual conference “Hospital Workers’ Wellbeing Matters“ on 23 February 2021. The event will delve into:

  • Global perspective on hospital and health system employee wellbeing;
  • Good practices and innovations from hospitals around the globe;
  • Successful programs from other industries;

You can get more information and secure your slot by registering online here