HPH is a WHO-initiated, international network, consisting of about 600 hospitals and health services across the globe. We improve health of patients, staff, and communities by organization-wide integration of health promotion.  

As an international knowledge-hub with 21 national/regional networks, topical task forces and decades of experience, we get organizations started with all things health promotion. Let's help your organization too.

Get an overview of National/Regional HPH Networks and member hospitals and health services in your region. If there is no network where you are yet - get in touch with the International Secretariat in Copenhagen.

Starting September 1, 2019, the host of the International HPH Secretariat will change to OptiMedis AG in Hamburg, Germany, under the direction of Dr Oliver Groene.


To ensure a smooth transfer of the secretarial functions, the two offices (Optimedis AG and Clinical Health Promotion Centre) will work together in August and September.   

Please access for further information on the change of HPH Secretariat

And see read letter from Chair of HPH Governance board, Margareta Kristenson

Access to the sub-site for this year international HPH Conference in Warsaw, May 29-31, 2019.

On the sub-site you can download the abstract book for this year conference, access the program and follow twitter feeder with updates from the conference.  

We welcome two new national HPH networks:
The French and the Danish HPH Networks.

Three winners of the 2019 HPH Awards were celebrated at the 27th HPH Conference in Warsaw.  

The 28th international HPH Conference will take place in Seoul, Rep of Korea. Dates: June 3-5, 2020

© 2019 International HPH Network   |   Clinical Health Promotion Centre   |   Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital   

Ndr. Fasanvej 57, Build. 14, Entr. 5, 2nd fl. DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark   |   info@hphnet.org   |   Tel: +45 3816 3847

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